Upcoming events

Sep 23

A look into why we need oxygen, some possible causes of why we lack oxygen in our body and understanding how to get more oxygen into our body through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Speaker: Sarah Todd Director and centre Manager at Oxify

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Oct 28

October 2024 Speaker Kathryn Simpson Biomarkers can take many forms in the body, but in the case of cancer they are often cells (known as Circulating Tumour Cells), proteins or DNA that have been shed by the tumour and can be measured in the bloodstream of a cancer patient. More commonly, they are measured in the patient’s tumour. Ideally, we …

Cancer Biomarkers: What are they, and how are they useful in the fight against cancer? Read More »


Nov 25

Sam Ntatalikas is a certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach who trained with Layla Martin via VITA (Vital & Integrated Tantric Approach), one of the most advanced professional certifications in the world. Sam works with women and couples one-to-one and in small groups. Sam is a self-professed Sex Geek who uses modern neurobiology, holistic healing, …

The Science of Sex, bringing sexpertise to our meet-up in November. Read More »

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Jan 27

Over the past couple of years Jill has carried out numerous sleep awareness courses for wellbeing teams in NHS trusts and ICBs; schools/ college forums; fitness/ yoga/mindfulness coaches; counselling organisations; medical staff; care and respite home managers; leadership and management coaches; private organisations esp those with nightshift workers. With the most recent being Thames Valley …

We’re not just unconscious when sleep – hear the facts and learn about the latest science Read More »

Feb 24

Laura Doherty will be talking to us about the environmental impacts of different funeral options


Mar 24

May Calma Healing Space will be talking to us about Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM)


Apr 28

David Miles April 2025 Speaker A hundred years ago, whooping cough killed more than one in every hundred children born in Europe. Eighty years ago, two women in Grand Rapids, Michigan, developed the vaccine that stopped it. All it took was years of working evenings and weekends, an army of volunteer healthcare workers and lab technicians funded by donations from …

Whooping cough vaccines: a century of good science and bad Read More »

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