
We live in a world which is largely shaped by organic compounds. Some of them are found in nature in microorganisms or plants and some others are synthesized by chemists, such as insecticides or plastics. The usual procedure for the synthesis of organic compounds is the stepwise formation of the individual bonds in the target …

The Art of Organic Synthesis: Cascade Reactions Read More »

Seb is an organic chemist who works at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology as a postdoctoral researcher. His interests lie in the use of new technologies for small molecule synthesis, with a particular interest in using engineered enzymes as catalysts and running reactions under continuous flow conditions. Flow is the continuous pumping of chemical reactions …

Go with the flow – the future of organic chemistry Read More »

We exploit fungi for brewing and enjoy them as food, but this incredibly versatile group of organisms is capable of much more. Fungi can effectively recycle dead plant material, an impressive achievement since plant cell wall structures consist of complex polymers that evolved to be strong and difficult to break down. In this talk, I’d …

Beer, Mushrooms and Biofuels Read More »

Sam Ntatalikas is a certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach who trained with Layla Martin via VITA (Vital & Integrated Tantric Approach), one of the most advanced professional certifications in the world. Sam works with women and couples one-to-one and in small groups. Sam is a self-professed Sex Geek who uses modern neurobiology, holistic healing, …

The Science of Sex, bringing sexpertise to our meet-up in November. Read More »