Sexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are, discover why!

From an evolutionary standpoint, sexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are.

If you were to take a picture of your brain during sex, you’d see that despite everything going on between your legs, the real action is happening between your ears.

In this engaging and interactive talk, we’ll explore:

– Primal, physical, and psychological aspects of Sex
– Why men typically feel drowsy after sex
– Responsive versus spontaneous desire
– Anatomy of the clitoris
– And more…

Sam Ntatalikas is a certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach who trained
with Layla Martin via VITA (Vital & Integrated Tantric Approach), one of
the most advanced professional certifications in the world. Sam works with
women and couples one-to-one and in small groups. Sam is a self-professed
Sex Geek who uses modern neurobiology, holistic healing, embodiment
practices, and coaching, blending them with the latest research.

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