Artificial Intelligence (AI) is truly a General Purpose Technology (GPT) and will be become embedded into everything we do in our personal and work lives – nothing will be untouched by AI. It is often compared to electricity as being so ubiquitous, disruptive and revolutionary. But what really is AI and what it is not? How will humans interact with the technology? Will it take over, replace our jobs, make life easier, or more difficult? We will explore how AI is being implemented today, some of its history and the future developments. AI has been around at least since 1956 but why after going through a number of “AI Winters” and disappointments is it succeeding today and here to stay? The presentation will demonstrate live some of its capabilities – don’t worry no coding required!

Bio: Anthony D. Bashall is Managing Director and founder of Zenzium, Ltd., Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire. He brings more than 25 years worldwide experience (US & UK) with Fortune 100 and early stage companies in R&D, business development & strategy development with senior management & executive roles. He is an acknowledged thought leader on machine learning & artificial intelligence in life sciences and related fields with particular focus on time-series deep learning. He has extensive experience with analytical instrumentation, sensor development, sensor fusion and data processing. Anthony holds 12 patents, an MBA and various post graduate certificates from Oxford, MIT, QUT & King’s College specializing in data science & artificial intelligence. He has published / presented at major conferences worldwide.His current focus is on chronic disease management by the application of AI.